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The Types And Importance Of Precious Jewels

According to Collins Dictionary, precious means that it is important and should not be wasted or used badly. Just like precious jewels, it is important and they should be known for their beautiful appearance. That's why I'm going to show you today what kinds of precious stones there are and why they're important.

Jun 03, 202373.5K Shares1M ViewsWritten By: Johnny K.Reviewed By: Luke Williams
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  1. What Are The Seven Precious Jewels
  2. The Significance

According to Collins Dictionary, precious means that it is important and should not be wasted or used badly. Just like precious jewels, it is important and they should be known for their beautiful appearance. That's why I'm going to show you today what kinds of precious stones there are and why they're important.

What Are The Seven Precious Jewels

There are only seven precious stones that are used for jewelrymaking: the diamond, the pearl, the ruby, the Sapphire, the Emerald, the Oriental Catseye, and the Alexandrite. The list below will give you an insight into the seven precious jewels.


The mineral diamond is made of carbon that is pure. People loveit because it is the hardest natural substance and the most popular gem. Because diamondsare so hard, they can be used in a lot of important industrial things.

As the hardest mineral in the world, a diamond is known for its beauty and ability to reflect light in a very dazzling way. Diamonds have a lot of brilliance and fire, which means they sparkle a lot and always look like they have just been polished.

Three diamond jewel rings on black background
Three diamond jewel rings on black background


This gemstone is popular because it has a lot of sparkles and looks good. Part of the hexagonal crystal system, It is part of the hexagonal crystal system and is an expensive precious stone.

Rubies are one of the most well-known gemstones. They are also one of the most valuable and requested because of their unique properties! It is very hard, with a Mohs hardness score of 8.5/10. This means it is one of the types of gems that you can wear for a long time and that is very fun to wear.

Two ruby jewel rings with mini stones around
Two ruby jewel rings with mini stones around


What makes sapphire so unique is that it has a lot of sparkles.

Sapphires are some of the most durable natural elements in the world, and they're found all over the world. There is only one natural thing that can scratch a sapphire, a Diamond, which is number 10 on the Mohs Scale. When you want to have a precious jewel, sapphires are a good choice.

Jewelry ring with blue sapphire on black coal background
Jewelry ring with blue sapphire on black coal background


Emeralds have a special place in the world of gemstones because they are one of the four that people have always thought of as valuable. This gem is one of the most desirable because of its unique green color and how rare it is. Diamonds, rubies, and sapphires also make up the group.

Jewelry ring with big green emerald on dark coal background
Jewelry ring with big green emerald on dark coal background


A small, circular, generally white item that forms around a grain of sand inside a sea creature's shell, especially an oyster's shell. Pearls are incredibly precious and are commonly used in jewelry. They belong to gemstones.

But it doesn't matter that pearls are a gemstone because they are the only gem material that is made and found inside a living thing. Pearls, unlike diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and more, don't need to be cut or polished before they can be used. They look beautiful the way they are.

Silver jewel ring with round pearl on a white background
Silver jewel ring with round pearl on a white background

Oriental Catseye

Cat's-eye is one of a number of gemstones that, when cut into a cabochon (a convex shape, very polished), show a luminous band that looks like the eye of a cat. This is called chatoyancy. Cymophane is a greenish chatoyant variety of chrysoberyl that is the rarest and most valuable. The chatoyant effect is caused by tiny parallel cavities that make the stone look shiny.

Aesthetic ring with green Catseye sits on top of wood
Aesthetic ring with green Catseye sits on top of wood


A precious type of stone variety of chrysoberyl appears green in daylight and red in artificial light.

Alexandrite is a rare gemstone that changes color depending on the light it is seen in. The "alexandrite effect" is sometimes used to describe this color change. Because alexandrite is so rare and because it can change colors, it's one of the most popular gemstones in the world.

Gold ring with Alexandrite on the background white silk
Gold ring with Alexandrite on the background white silk

The Significance

People believe in wearing precious jewels helps to protect them from bad things, and they are very valuable and strong. Because they have healing and medicinal powers, they protect us from the bad effects of the sun or the moon. They are also said to help our bodies have more spiritual power, which makes us happy and healthy.

The truth is, there is no scientific explanation behind it. But the thing about precious jewels that will make us all agree is that they are part of our nature and it is important to value and use them by making them as jewelry.

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